beRemarkable Today donates clothing and other resources to programs available through The Boys & Girls Clubs, Foster Care system, and community youth services.
The Boys & Girls Clubs provide an environment for children to feel safe while having the opportunity to build friendships and develop brighter minds. In many clubs, parents rely on the optional after-hours care program available at most locations. Nearly sixty-five percent of club youth are eligible for free- or reduced-price school lunches, an important indicator of low-income status.
The state foster care system is responsible for children who have been removed from their family because of maltreatment or neglect in the home. While in the foster care system, children are placed with foster families or other out-of-home care providers. Temporary families and providers receive support payments from the state, however, it has not kept pace with inflation. Unfortunately for the child, their clothing and hygiene items are not always a first priority for the caregiver. Many factors keep children in the foster care system, beRemarkable Today wants to minimize their stress and improve their self-image while they are there.

Disadvantaged, In Crisis & At-Risk Youth
One of the most important problems facing the United States today is the life prospects of disadvantaged boys and girls. Youths from broken ...